Wednesday, March 21, 2007

CPAPin' Away!

Scuba Faith! Faith is just snorkelin' away on CPAP today! Overall she is doing pretty well on CPAP. She d-sated quite a bit today but that is typical Faith! The good news is she's made it through 48 hours! You can do it Faith!

Here's to 48 more!

Brian and Jen :)

PS: The pictures below show how much Faith has grown in the past month. The picture on the left is of Faith's first time on CPAP (when she was a week old) she had to be reintubated a few days after. Five weeks later (picture on the right) she is back on CPAP!


Anonymous said...

GO Faith GO!!
Brian & Jen, hang in there guys! Much Love and Many Blessings (in all the little things!)
The Hanes Family

Anonymous said...

Look at you Faith! You keep on going girl! She is a miracle child and will show all these doctors that GOD will get her through as well as you guys! WHAT A JOY! Hang in there and so many blessing!
We love you
Aunt Susan and Uncle Mike