We had a great Halloween night. We actually took Faith Trick-or-Treating! Always the social butterfly she enjoyed herself (and we enjoyed eating all of her candy!) ;P
Unlike the past two years, I had no agenda for what I wanted Faith to be for Halloween. We didn't have to think too hard about what Faith would want to be if she could speak for herself. In fact, sometime we think she things she is already one!
So without further ado may I present to you our third canine companion..
Ok, I know she looks more like Max from Where the Wild Things Are, finding a puppy costume was a little tricky this year (that and she had already outgrew one I purchased for her a month ago...) Hitting the streets w/Grandma by her side (and yes, all of that snow melted the very next day...something you'd only understand if you lived here).
Hmmm..perhaps this is why our approach to Faith's feeding therapy isn't panning out.
Faith's favorite part of the evening was greeting the trick-or-treaters who came to our door. Every time the doorbell rang she would run to the door (little did I know learning all about Pavlov in college would apply in such a circumstance).
These aren't the best pictures but they do capture her adoration for her "brothers"- I just couldn't resist.
Hope you all let your LIGHT shine this Halloween!
Jen & CO.