Friday, February 19, 2010


There are a few things I've learned about the whole hospital/doctor thing lately...

1.) Communication break down is 99.5% of hospital snafus.... this is not anyone's fault, a lot of time people just go off of assumptions. For example when the pulmonologist gave us the news that Faith would most likely need the ventilator for the next few weeks, thus we would need to remain in the hospital for that duration he didn't know that we have a ventilator in our basement, albeit covered with dust, it has sat for the past eight months ready to switch into gear when called.

2.) I've also learned that when a patient perks up and is literally trying to crawl out of the bed it is supposed to be confined to for the next "few weeks" that it's just point blank not going to happen.

So needless to say at rounds yesterday I begged to do this at home. The doc's eyes widened, "YOU HAVE A VENT AT HOME?" And when he gave us the ultimatum if we could get the vent to the hospital that day, and it checked out OK we could leave.

You better believe we moved Heaven and Earth to make that happen (that and my awesome cousin dug it out of our basement and brought it to the hospital).

The result was that WE'RE HOME!!!

While Faith is full of enCheck Spellingergy (hmmm...'roid rage anybody?) she is still sick. This morning I was questioning our decision to leave when she was working pretty hard to breathe. We also are finding it difficult to keep her on the vent (Thank you Lord for not allowing our child to walk until she was 2 1/2 and not attached to 10 pound-plus machine by a 3 foot cord) so we are allowing her to be off for periods of "freedom" laps. The result is her running around like a banshee while gasping for air. This is when I find myself thinking, "was trying to keep her confined to the hospital bed better than this?"

I guess we'll have to wait and see. But if I have learned one more thing about the whole doctor/hospital thing it's that home is a healing place.

Thanks again for all of the prayers!

Jen & CO.


Hope said...

I'm so glad she's home! I hope she feels better very fast!

Anonymous said...

YEAH! so glad she's home.

Anonymous said...

SO GLAD YOU ARE ALL HOME! Hope she feels better soon!!

Ayden said...

Oh Jen...
So glad you guys made it home!!! We got roid rage going on too... uuuhhgg! :) Ayden has gotten so much better today, we have been weening the O2 and the xopenex. The residence wanted to keep us until we got down to a 1/2 L! We are down to 1/4L at night and 1/2 during the day... but you never know - I thought it would take much longer. I never want that bug again!! YUCK!
Do you have the first weekend of March open? I think we need a mom's night out after that hospital stay! :) Take care

Anonymous said...

Glad you are is my sweet girl doing today!

We love you my sweet angel!
Aunt Susan and gang!

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