Awww look at that cutie pie! She's just as snug as a bug in a rug! Faith's adjusted gestational age is now 34 weeks. In six weeks she could potentially come home! She is just hanging in there- she's making tiny steps in weening off her current level of CPAP. For NICU standards, level 6 is still pretty high (meaning she is still dependent on it). Her lungs need to start pumpin' so she can keep weening. That is our big prayer request this week. Other than that Faith is just a growing girl! (GROW FAITH GROW!) :)
Thanks for checking in today!
Brian and Jen
PS: Sorry this picture is so blurry- in order for us to catch a shot of her lovely eyes we had to turn off the flash.
Hey guys...I was sick yesterday and didnt get on to check on my girl! Sounds like she is making inch worm steps to get where she needs to be...thats OK! Faith will get to where she need to be and will come home soon. No worries! She just needs a bit mroe oxygen right now to help that process. Ilove this picture of her all snug in rug liek a bug...gotta love it!
God Bless and tell her Auntie Susan loves her! Grow baby girl grow!
Aunt Susan
hi guys so glad to see pictures of the miracle baby "faith" she's gotten so much bigger! talked to your mom a couple of weeks ago and she can hardly wait to hold her grand baby! pray all is going well for you both - you're in our thoughts and heart. love bob & sandy bauth
Your cousins and Aunt Libby and Uncle Robert in Miami continue to pray for Faith and check on her. Hang in there Jen and Brian! Hope you have a Happy Easter!
Jen, I've been checking in on your baby girl as much as I can. Sara emailed me the link to the blog a number of weeks back. Prayers are coming your way from Christie and I in Kansas City.
Erin (from the days of Zao house)
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