Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"The Joy of the Lord is your Strength" Nehemiah 8-9

If there's one thing I know for sure about our daughter, it's that she's undeniably, irrevocably, positively......




People have always commented on what a happy kid Faith is. We usually follow this up with a snide remark like, "yeah well you should see how happy she is at 2am." But truth be told, she is truly one bright and cheery girl. It doesn't take much to get her to flash her trademark wide-mouthed grin. This smile can rouse the most sleep-deprived of zombies and remind us how worthwhile this all is.

May your world be filled JOY this week and always,

Jen & CO


The Marini's said...

Love the pictures! Faith is truly a blessing and of course I love her name, a reminder to keep the course and to always have faith!


Alicia said...

Totally lovin' the Faith smiles! So beautiful. ust what I needed this morning, thanks!

Hope you all are doing well.

Hope said...

Her smiles are contagious. She's a beautiful little girl. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

She is filled with the Joy of the Lord!!! I am blessed every day by the joy you find in each day with faith and i am reminded to appreciate the most simple moments in life!

Love you guys!!

Katie John and LJ