'Twas the day before Halloween when all through the Reming abode
Not a machine was alarming, not even the heater set on invasive mode.
The g-tube extensions were hung to dry by the sink.
No one was nestled all snug in their beds,
for life with a toddler brings an early wake up call instead.
When out on the lawn there arose a clatter
As Faith sprang from her chair her tube feed went splatter
Away to the sliding glass door we flew like a bird
We opened the blinds and saw something truly absurd.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
but two feet of snow, alas, Faith’s final frontier.
With a little toddler at our feet, so lively and quick
We knew that her first time in the snow would be a kick.
More rapid than doctors running to a code,
We knew that our girl was ready to hit the road.
As we stepped outside we thought she'd want to flee
We had not a sleigh in sight, but the laundry basket would do,
We pushed on the boons, and her oxygen tank too.
She spoke not a word, but we knew what her smile meant,
We knew if she said "no", she’d surely relent.
With her fists in the air she signed, “C’mon, let’s Go!”
So her daddy pulled her through the mounds of snow.
Her mommy stood there documenting everything in sight
For Faith’s first experience in the snow was a pure delight.
Oh what a day, oh what heaven!
How far she’s come from room 827
For this is what boots and jackets are for,
Not collecting dust as a child lives on a hospital floor.
So whether this year brings you ghouls, goblins or a vampire bite....
Happy Halloween to all and to all a good night.