Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Faith is 33 Week Today!

Faith has reached another milestone- she is a three pounder! 3 pounds 2 ounces to be exact! Yesterday we hit the official half way point- Faith has been in the NICU for 50 days and there are only 50 more until her due date! :) She continues to do well on CPAP. She is now on a CPAP of 6. She is also on a new feeding schedule to prepare her for breast feeding every three hours (like a full term infant would feed). We have been "practicing" everyday. Nothing more to report today- she's just chuggin' along!
Brian and Jen :)


Anonymous said...

3pounds YAHOOO! It sounds like things are moving along, that is awesome! She is a fighter thats for sure and I am SURE she is ready to be in that beautiful room waiting for her at home! Hang in there , you guys are ALL doing great!
Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

Faith, you remain a testament to God's love and power. I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer.

Jean Henry (one of Grandma Mary's coworkers)

Grant said...

Congratulations! As we leave the NICU with our daughter, we are passing along all of the positive thoughts, prayers and energy we have accumulated over the last 3 months to your little Faith. As she turns the corner, we know your hopes and prayers will be answered, and she will be home in your loving arms soon. Hang in there, she needs you...Grant and Kaia

Anonymous said...

Jen you look beautiful!!! I love your smile and the baby is SO precious! That is oneof my FAVORITE Pics! WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Aunt Susan and Uncle Mike