Saturday, March 24, 2007

She's Still Doing It!

We are very happy to report that Faith is STILL on CPAP!!!! She's been doing great on it! We are a little concerned about the next week. Faith received the last does of steroids early this morning (and boy are we glad to be done with that!) however that means she will have to work harder now. The doctors have warned us that she was in a "honeymoon" period this week because the steroids were giving her a push. Next week it's all her! If she struggles they will give her another course, but we are praying that more Decadron will not be needed.

The infection that Faith was diagnosed with a few weeks ago has spread throughout the NICU. MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is often spread in hospitals to patients with very weakened immune systems (like premature babies). It is extremely hard to treat. Faith received antibiotics a few weeks ago, but the MRSA has colonized in her body. She is not showing signs of sickness so it is not a huge deal. However this means she will be kept in isolation for the rest of her hospital stay. The MRSA has spread to other babies in the NICU thus they are taking precautionary measures. All new babies are being transferred to other hospitals, and everyone who enters the NICU must wear gowns and gloves (we were already doing this with Faith for the past few weeks). This also means that visitors other than parents of babies are asked not to come until the outbreak is controlled. So we are sorry that Faith cannot have any visitors for the time being. :( We will let you know when visitors are allowed.

Well thanks so much for checking in on our little miracle today! Your prayers are being felt!

Brian and Jen :)
PS: In many of the CPAP pictures you may notice Faith's nose looking a little funny. When on CPAP, large plastic prongs go into the baby's nose, thus it pushes the nose upwards making it appear much larger than it actually is. The different coloration is plastic that holds the prongs to her nose. The blue tube going into her mouth is her feeding tube through which she receives breast milk.
PSS: Faith's weight is currently 2 pounds 14 ounces!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats good news Faith is still CPAP and good news she weighs 2pds 14 oz...not good news that she will be isolated BUT good news she hopefully will get better! She is so precious! Sorry she cant have visitors but its probably better that way so she can heal.

We are so proud of you guys and so proud of Faith fighting has hard as she is...BOY if she fights this hard as a preemie imagine when she gets older HAHAH!

God Bless you and we continually pray for all of you! We love you!

Aunt Susan