As we see more and more babies go home on their due dates in the NICU, we are becoming restless as we know that we still have a long time before Faith will be able to come home. Back in Febraury we were just counting down the days until May. Now that May is approaching, it seems like there is not an end in sight. Someone told me this week that we always want to be on chapter 7, when God has us on chapter 2. (Thanks Marcella!) When I told this to Brian he said, "chapter 2 has been a really long chapter!!!!" :) Nevertheless our little girl is surviving.
She keeps pulling out her vent tube (we figured out she's not using her hands to do it, but she trashes her head against the mattress which pulls it out). Every time the tube goes in and out it creates more scar tissue. Brian has been spending the night (not sleeping!) next to Faith to make sure the tube stays in. You can tell she just hates the tube- it is very uncomfortable!
The eye Doctor that did Faith's last eye surgery examined her a few days ago. He is not confident that she needs surgery right now- he wants to wait another week to see if the blood vessels keep growing. This means more time on the ventilator! Ugh!
So right now we are just waiting- it is a little frustrating because we are "on hold" -meaning no progress is being made (nor can be made when she is on the vent).
Please pray that the tubes will stay in!
Brian and Jen
Jen and Brian,
I know it's easy to become restless and want this chapter to be over... I also know that it's easy to focus on all the tubes and monitors, especially when you know Faith is uncomfortable.
It's very important to remember to be present and see FAITH when you look at her. Look past the vent and the tubes and see what an amazing angel is here with you today. Don't think about how long it will be before she will go home, think about how amazing it is that she is with you today. Take time to smell her beautiful smell. Take time to look at all the tiny lines on her hands and feet. Enjoy every second that you get to feel her soft soft skin against yours.
Just remember that Faith will be with you at home with you when the time is right... In the meantime stay positive and remember to spend quality time with each other and with Faith.
Lots of love,
Marni ~:o)
Brian and Jen:
I know this is so tough on you and I cant even to begin to understand totally what you are going through and the feelings..noone except y'all can.
Hang in there and look past all the tubes and doctors and hospital and focus on WHEN you will bringing that sweet Angel home..AND YOU WILL!!! I wish I was there to hug y'all and take soem frustration know I would! ;)
You guys hang in there and Brian get some sleep....I know it is tough when you see your child uncomfortable feel helpless. But get some sleep and keep your strength up.
God Bless you all and KNOW we love you !
Aunt Susan
xo xo xoxo
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