Monday, April 16, 2007

Deja vu!

This truly is like Deja Vu from a month ago. Faith needs to come off of the vent, however she might have a possible infection (such as pneumonia) that is preventing her from making progress. We are waiting to see if anything grows in her cultures to see if she has an infection. Meanwhile, they are trying to ween her vent settings (which isn't going too well.) If she does not make progress they will give her another course of the steroids. This is a worst case scenario- if Faith can come off the vent in the next day or so then there will be no need for the steroids. Thank you for praying for Faith this week- this really is a critical time.

In other news, Walk America is just 2 weeks away! Prematurity is the #1 cause of death in infants. We have seen too many families lose their babies, and others painfully go through what we are going through. It's time to day enough is enough! We are walking for Faith and premature infants everywhere on Saturday, April 28th in downtown Denver. If you do not live in Denver you can still walk- all across of America cities are hosting walks. (Thank you for walking in Virgina Sara and Daryl!!!!!) If you would like to join us in the fight against prematurity please go to:

We dream of the day when all babies are given a chance to fully develop before birth. The March of Dimes is committed to this dream. Ten years ago babies like Faith would go blind because the technology to save her eyesight did not exist. If you cannot walk you can still help by sponsoring our team, and cheering us on on walk day!

Thanks so much for your support and go team Fighting for Faith!
Brian and Jen :)

PS: Thank you to all who participated in the beautiful baby shower yesterday. It truly was a labor of love and such a memorable time. We are truly blessed by all of your support, friendship and generosity. We cannot wait until Faith can come home and enjoy all of her gifts- she truly is one blessed little girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I just got the worries...IF she is ill they will give her what she needs nad she will ween off that vent soon. I know this is a critical time adn we are praying overtime for y'all!
Hang tough and tell her her Aunt adn Uncle in Texas adore her and cant wait to meet her. I am glad you had a shower, I have had some items I COULDNT resist to buy for y'all and waited until the right time...the time is now to prepare her for her homecoming in the future. I WISH I knew I could have maybe flown out but soon enough we will meet this fighting Angel!

God loves y'all very much! Hang tough and remember " THE VOICE OF TRUTH" Dont let anyone tell you otherwise!

Aunt Susan and Uncle Mike