Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I wonder if every parent goes through a child's second year of life a little sad whenever they see "baby's 1st holiday" paraphernalia and realize that there will be no more Holiday firsts.... Yes there will be many more firsts...but it just seems like yesterday we were in the NICU spending Valentines Day. I remember walking into the NICU last year (or should I say hobbling in....recovering from a c-section) and seeing a red dress hanging on the IV pole. Someone donated them to all of the babies. The dress was preemie size (4-5 pounds) but it looked HUUUUUUGE to us. It was 5 times the size of Faith- there's no way she'll be able to wear that we thought....well we were right Faith never got to wear it be because she just grew too fast!!!! Amazing! it still hangs in our closet at home- a reminder of what Faith truly is.." evidence of things unseen...."
Have a wonderful weekend everybody!
Brian an Jen :)


Anonymous said...

Truly amazing to see her sit up! What a big girl she is. It is so good to see her busy and smiling! I cannot believe it! What a miracle! She looks great and looks like she can take on the world!

Way to go Faith! You go girl!

Love -
The Nikkels

Anonymous said...

WOW she is amazing! That smile is so contagious! I wanted to reach into my screen and hug her!


I love you
Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

I HAD to come back and look at this gorgeous smile! =)

Aweeee melts my heart!

Aunt Susan