Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm All Shook Up

Watch out Elvis- there's a new rocker in town. Faith can shake, rattle and roll and has quite the following of groupies.


Anonymous said...

GO FAITH GO!!! Elvis is in the building folks! WHOOO!! She is doing awesome! Give her my love!! GOOD NIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Look at that grin- if the simple act of standing empowers us- what else?
Things are going to get exciting here. Wish we could be there to witness it all. Best wishes to all of you- your Miami family-other rocker Stones.

Ann said...

Faith looks too healthy to be on a vent!! Hopefully, her time tethered to the thing is short lived. You guys continue to do an amazing job at keeping her healthy and far, far away from the hospital.


Alicia said...

Faith, YOU ROCK!!!

Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

You go Girl!!!! Look at that curly hair!!!

Sweet angel..we love ya!
Aunt Susan and gang