Dear Faith,
I follow a couple of blogs that post a weekly feature called "Not Me Monday." It's a fun little way to fess up to all of the things that make us human. Well this weekend you did something superhuman (by our standards) and we did something we weren't supposed to do, so I thought it would be a perfect time to join the Not Me Monday gang.
(Hmmm...did anyone notice anything?)
This is certainly is NOT a video of you crawling around, laughing, banging on your drum, hooked up to oxygen, and oxygen alone. Because WE would never take you off of your ventilator for 30 minutes without getting a doctor's order. ;)
And this is not what your pulse oximeter read after 30 minutes of you breathing by yourself....
(for those non-medical people out there these numbers are VERY good).
There are some other things I do not want to admit-
I did not drag my family to the pumpkin patch after the stomach flu ransacked our house for 2 days (pics to come...no..not of the flu of the pumpkin patch...) because it's all I wanted to do on my b-day.
I was not in tears today at the pharmacy because they still didn't have your prescriptions filled after I went there three days in a row and called before I went to make sure they were filled. You are not already out of some of your meds which does not make me even more of a wreck than I already am.
We did not take apart your crib this evening and you are not laying on the floor of your room on a mattress- (Kosovo-style) because this was not our last stitch effort to get you to sleep better.
Hmmm..and maybe this reverse psychology stuff will work on you tonight- and you will not get a good night's sleep tonight because Lord knows we don't all need it.
We love you, sleepless nights and all, little lamb,
Mommy & Daddy too.
WTF Faith! No vent for 30 minutes and crawling like a champ! Little strides. You are living proof that life is never a sprint and we all get to the same place. A few are just in a hurry about it. I love your pace more. You take time to enjoy it step by step. Just let your Mommy and Daddy sleep:)
Wow Faith, that is amazing!! It looks like Mommy and Daddy are taking a page out of Miss Janay's and Mr. Milo's book.
You are on your way little one! You look so great and we are all so proud of you!
Jen, I hope kickin' it old school Kosovo style does the trick for her as well as bring back some fun memories for you and Brian. :)
WOW!!! That is so amazing! Good job Faith you look so good! Maybe being off your vent will tire you out and you'll sleep better??? Jen she looks great, way to break the rules!
YAY for Faith!!! I am so happy for her and watched the video of her crawling around and *breathing* so well with a big smile on my face! What a milestone.... just wait for what is to come!
Nice work mom and dad!! She looks like she is doing awesome! As far as the vent, mommy and daddy know what is best for their daughter! She did amazing!! I keep praying she will sleep soon!! Sleep, Sleep little angel!
Great news! You never know till you try Right? Hope the no crib helps her sleep. Hope you can sleep. She gets around very well attached to cords.:)
Dear Jen,
Amazing! Good for all of you!
Keep up the good work Faith and Jen. I hope the new sleeping arrangements are resulting in some sleep for everyone involved.
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