Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today is a special day.

One year ago today, Faith came home.

And stayed.

They tell me that a more significant day is when a long-term hospitalized child is home for more days than days spent in the hospital.

June 5th, 2009.

Faith's day.

Until then, we will celebrate today, and everyday in between, that as cliche as it sounds, have been a gift.


Ann said...

Happy Homecoming Day Faith! I'm thinking that the most significant day will be the day Faith's mom and dad get to sleep 8 uninterrupted hours through the night :) Keep up the good work Faith!


Alicia said...


You've come such a long way baby!

We look forward to celebrating June 5th with you too! Maybe we can have a party with all your trach buddies!

I love that picture. :)


Hope said...

Happy Homecoming Day, Faith!! You are such an amazing little girl!!

June 5th is my b-day, which I was dreading. But, now I have something great to celebrate that day!!

I love Ann's idea. 8 hours of sleep is a very significant day.


Janay said...

YEAH FAITH!! I'm so proud of all you guys, it's been a little bit of a rough time (at least at night) but SO much better than those long days at the hospital. I haven't calculated Milo's special date yet but I'm thinking August-ish. Monty told me I have to stop counting days after that, he's such a buzz kill :0)

I LOVE the picture of Faith!!

You guys are awesome...

Janay & Milo