Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No, we haven't fallen off of the face of the Earth (yet)

On a typical day if you haven't heard from us in a while you can assume that no news is good news. Then again, we are far from the typical family and so this post warrants some bad news.

Faith is in the hospital (AGAIN). Ugh. This time with para-flu. I suppose this how the flu can seriously affect the elderly, young and medically fragile. That's Faith (well, except the elderly part of course).

About a week ago Faith had a high fever (which is very unusual for her), high heart rate, increased O2 requirement, yellow/bloody secretions (and lot's of 'em), but she wasn't "working" to breathe.

On a weekend trip to the ED, the culture showed up as para-flu. We were warned that the respiratory part was coming- and were given the option to stay (to this of course we said, NO WAY!) and took our sick little puppy home and hoped for the best. Sure enough, 24 hours later the respiratory part of this virus came. We actually brought Faith in without her vent (even though she was reeeeeeally working to breathe), but after a cap-gas showed very high levels of CO2 she became vent dependent once more.

So that's where we are today. She looks terrible and I am sure she feels even worse. Faith just needs some hospital tlc, and will most likely be out in few days (knock on wood).

Sorry for the lack of updating, prior to this we've been crazy busy with numerous appointments, crazy work schedules and that little thing called life. It was only a matter of time before it took a hospitalization to slow us all down.

Thanks for checking in,
Jen & CO.


Alicia said...

As always, I am praying for you guys. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

Hope said...

I'm praying for Faith. Poor baby:(
I hope she feels better fast.


Ann said...

Ah Jen, so sorry to hear Faith ended up back in the hospital. Thinking of you guys and hope Faith bounces back quickly. Enough already!


Anonymous said...

HUGS and prayers for little Faith. :o(

Jen said...

Hope Faith starts feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen... I will be calling you soon. I am so sorry hun! Praying, praying praying.. hang in there we love you guys!


Katie and John