Monday, March 19, 2007

CPAP is Here!

We are pleased to report that Faith is on CPAP! As of right now she is doing very well. Since she doesn’t have tubes going down her throat we can actually hear her make "baby sounds" now. Her vocal cords are scarred from weeks on the ventilator so we can not hear her cry, but she does make whimper sounds. We can "see" her cry by the cranky face she makes- it’s really kind of cute..sad..but cute. Now that she is on CPAP it is all up to her. If she struggles they will put her back on the vent and increase her dose of steroids (NOT OK!!!). We can already see a big difference in her since she received the steroids- she is on very low amounts of oxygen compared to where she was a few days ago. Thanks again for keeping our little one in your prayers!
Take some deep breaths for Faith tonight! ;)
Brian and Jen :)


Anonymous said...

We are praying for baby Faith! And her Mom and Dad!

Anonymous said...

THank you Jesus! We will continue to pray..she is slowly getting to where she needs to be. God has conrtol and He doesnt want to rush perfection!
We love you!
Aunt Susan