Despite Faith's healthy appearance things aren’t going very well in her little body. She has had diarrhea for the past 24 hours and her lab work today wasn’t up to par. She is going to need another blood transfusion in the next day. This will be her 5th, but fortunately they can pull the blood from the same donor. Nevertheless she is growing! She is up to 2 pounds 7 ounces! She has almost doubled her birth weight!
We’ve had to put out "kangaroo" sessions on hold because I’m sick. :( But Brian will be able to hold her this weekend. :)
Next week is a big week for Faith- the doctors have said it is a "make or break" week. Faith needs to come off the vent!! They told us in the beginning that a baby’s long term success is often dictated by how long they stay the respirator. It has been almost 6 weeks for Faith, which is waaaaay too long.
This is the week that miracles are going to happen!
Brian and Jen :)
There WILL be a miracle! God pick you two for such a special event and such a special child! Faith is strong willed adn she will pull through this! Did Julie ever get in touch with you. She is an awesome person who has been through this and has awesome advise. God bless you worries..God has Faiths back!
By the way...I wnt Brian to pain us cool is that!
I love you guys
Aunt Susan
Glad to hear she is putting on some more weight and pulling through...thinking and praying for you all often!
Much love,
Mike and Jen
Thank you so much for your message on our blog. As a fellow NICU family, we empathize with you and the challenges you have faced. After 3 long months in the NICU, we are excited to report that Lauren will be coming home in the next week or so! We will continue checking in with your blog and praying for Faith's healthy homecoming too! All the best, Kaia, Grant, Connor and Lauren
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