Saturday, March 17, 2007

Faith's first St. Patty's Day!

We finally know where Faith gets her fiestiness from- the Irish! :) Faith had a wonderful first St. Patrick's Day. She was wrapped up in a green blanket for the occasions. She is having a good day. She has been d-sating a lot but that is very typical. Today she received her last dose of antibiotics. She has been putting on a lot of water weight (just like mommy!) so they are giving her a diuretic to prepare her for the steroids which they will be administering tomorrow. Last week we were very fearful of this but now we know that she needs the help. We know that, "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7) We know the statistics of what has happened to babies who were given this drug but we know that God is bigger than that. The song "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns has been ringing in our ears lately, the line that says, "But the voice of truth says do not be afraid the voice of truth says this is for my glory." Faith is a living, breathing (soon to be breathing on her own!) testimony of God's faithfulness and that won't stop with a little drug.

She will be on the steroids for the next 6 days, if all goes well they will try to extubate her (take her off the vent) around the 2nd or 3rd day. She has put on more weight since the last exubtation attempt which will help her. She's been such a fighter thus far, we know she can do it!

Thanks for all of your prayers!

Brain and Jen :)


Anonymous said...

Jen and Brian: We are So very proud of you and KNOW that a miracle WILL happen this week!

We will continue to keep Faith in our prayers!

I loved the verses you wrote and how perfect!

And that song is MY favorite song adn ONE I always listen too and wrote the words for Uncle Mike when he went to the war...He kept it with him in his Bible throughout his deployments . It is a PERFECT song! VOICE OF TRUTH!

God Bless you and I love you!

Aunt Susan

Jacquie and Dan said...

Brian and Jen,
Dan and I have been sharing your journey with Faith over the last month with our camp staff. Every Friday we pray for Baby Faith. This little baby not only is called faith, but her exsistance builds the faith in so many of us who see how God gives he the strength to keep fighting each day.Her life is a testimony of Gods greatness. We are praying hard this week for miracles of monumental proportion! We can't wait to see Faith home with you both!
Jacquie and Dan