Please tell me there is a g-tube hidden underneath his shirt!!!! But then I thought about it a little more and realized that the baby in this picture is exactly WHY we walk. Because ALL babies deserve to look so healthy.
March for Babies is just one week away. If you happen to be in the Denver area April 25, come walk 6 miles (I promise it's not as hard as it sounds) with us. This will be our third walk, and this year will be better than ever because Faith will be in attendance.
You may have noticed the MOD fundraiser widget on the sidebar. Thank you to those of you who have generously donated to this cause. The March of Dimes has helped multitudes of babies from the most critical to those who are fortunate to have been born healthy and full term.
Among it's many contributions, the MOD funded the development of surfactant therapy, which is given to extremely premature infants to help lung development. Faith received several courses of surfactant therapy, which no doubt saved her life. Because of advances such as this, babies who would have no chance of survival a decade ago are surving and thriving! Just think what the possibilities are in the decades to come!
And when things don't go as planned, the March of Dimes is there to help families pick up the pieces. They host numerous parent support groups in hospitals across the countries for parents like us, who traded our nurseries for NICUS.
In addition to swollen feet, achy calves, and if last year was any indication- hypothermia, (I'm not helping the cause, am I?) the walk makes you feel as though you are a part of something bigger than yourself.
Here are some pics the past two walks:
It should be a lot of fun! Drop me an e-mail (, text, line- whatever, if you plan on coming.
Hope to see you there,
Jen & CO.
PS: And it the weather is anything like the first year, I just might (still debating) torture my sweet, little angel once more by adorning her in the perfect, "Fighting for Faith" mascot get-up...but then again, I do actually want to make it to the finish line without the authorities taking me in for child abuse, so we'll see. :)
I agree about the picture of the healthy baby. Have fun walking, I hope it's warm for you all. Give Faith a hug from us. Tell her is way prettier than the baby on that ad;)
I am so with you about all babies deserving to be that healthy. For sure. You are so insightful. And I absolutely love the idea of the Wonder Woman Fighting for Faith mascot! Something tells me Faith will not be so amused! ;)
I am so bummed. I was totally planning on walking this year, but forgot what weekend it was and already have something planned. I am so sorry. I don't know what my problem is, I have been so bad about my calendar lately. I keep forgetting when things are supposed to happen. You have my permission to come and drag me away from whatever I plan next year to walk with you guys!
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Always love your posts, Jen. Whether you are venting, joking, or standing on your soapbox you always put a smile on my face as you do everything while finding a little bit of humor in it. Faith is sooo lucky to have you and Brian as her parents. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers.
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