Just wanted to give you a quick update that Faith is home. The bronch looked "OK" but we still have a long road ahead of us. They did another dilations to balloon it open. Part of the graft also appeared to be "dying" which means there is risk for infection. They will take another look in 1-2 weeks. For now she'll wean off the steroids which will be the ultimate test (can her airway stay open without them?)
Keep the faith!
Help! We're being held hostage by the hospital!! Ok not really, but it's true they are holding us against our will. ;) Faith is her typical active self but the staff does not feel that she is safe to go home yet. Plus, there is still a debate on whether or not heated high flow (which she is on) can be done at home.
The pulmonologist on service this week made a comment that we are walking a very thin line. He also warned that this will be the most dangerous and critical respiratory season for Faith and we will be seeing these four walls of the hospital a lot. Her airway is extremely narrow and the tiniest bit of inflammation can (or in words, "will") cause need for intubation.
We learned some new information last night that answers some questions we've had. The reason why our ENT isn't quick to re-trach is that one of the grafts is directly over where her stoma (trach opening) was. This is why Faith was never able to have the reconstruction and the trach at the same time. This is also why the decision to "tough it out" or re-trach has not been black and white.
So the plan is to do another bronch tomorrow. If everything looks "OK" (I use that word very loosely....with such a narrow airway perhaps a more appropriate term would be "livable" or "sustainable) then the soonest we can go home is on Friday. Although in rounds today it sounded like we'd be staying through the weekend.
It's very difficult for Faith to sleep in the hospital and she (and her parents) have been doing very little of it.
We'll let you know what we learn from the bronch.
Thanks for checking in,
Jen & CO.