I feel as though I offended some people with my last post. My apologies if I came across pessimistic and self-absorbed. It was never my inattention to make those of you who do not have a sick child feel bad. It is only human to think about the grass on the other side of the fence from time to time.
For sometime now I've been thinking about where to go with this blog. Before Faith was born I didn't even know what a blog was. One of our nurses in the NICU introduced us to a family who had set up a blog to inform others of their daughter's progress. During Faith's hospital stay the blog was a way to update people on her condition. This was especially helpful during Faith's NICU stay when things were pretty touch and go.
Now that Faith is home and doing well this blog has become a journal for me. At the end of the day it's a way to reflect and process everything we've gone through. In doing this there is a degree of vulnerability, as we publish our thoughts for everyone to read. This especially difficult when almost everyone we know in our personal life follows this blog. Lately I've thought about stopping the blog. I feel as though it has served it's purpose and it's time to begin a new chapter. But then I am reminded of the people who have become a part of Faith's life. Sometimes I run into the most random people who tell me they have been following Faith's story and how it has touched them.
I am a frequent follower of other people's blogs. Some of these blogs are about children who are battling chronic conditions and their status is pretty day to day. When I read these blogs I feel silly about writing about the ordinary and mundane things like Faith's field trips. I also follow blogs by families who have been trough tragedy or are enduring their own hardships. They also write about the day to day stuff like birthday parties and field trips. I enjoy peeking in on their life and reading of happy times, especially when I know where they have come from. It makes the sweet moments even sweeter. Without sounding narcissistic I am reminded that maybe some of you feel that way about our blog, especially those of you who have been with us since day one.
So I am not sure what we are going to do. I've thought about setting up a personal blog where I can journal, vent and express my feelings about adjusting to life with a medically fragile child, or I might just continue griping on here and if you'd like to hang on with us for this ride we always have an open seat, window and all.
Thanks for hanging in there with us,
Jen and Brian.
PS: This blog is not just for us, or for you, but for Faith. One day I hope she will be able to read not only the stories of her life but of her parent's as well. Hopefully she won't remember these first few turbulent years of her life, but will have these collections of writings to reminded her of the miracle she is!